HELEX (Hall of English Language Examinations) is an Authorised Centre of Cambridge Assessment English (Cambridge English) (Authorised Centre No.: MY157 & TH501) and Michigan Language Assessments (MLA) (Authorised Centre No.: 780 & 255). We are an independent and neutral party/ organisation with an ultimate aim to disseminate knowledge on the importance of obtaining an internationally-recognised English proficiency certificate from the University of Cambridge, UK. We mainly deal with exam consultation, administration and registration, as well as providing professional guidance to schools and education institutes who are interested in Cambridge Assessment English.


On top of that, we have been appointed as the Country Administrator of International Vocational English Certificates (VEC) offered by Express Publishing (UK) in partnership with the University of Greenwich, UK. The VEC exams are unique examinations that test basic English Linguistic skills of 60 different professions. Each exam is designed to meet the needs of a specific profession.


In addition, HELEX is also the sole distributor of Express Publishing (UK) for their ELT materials in Malaysia, Singapore and Southern Thailand. We are committed to promoting a series of English Language learning materials which are fully-supported by Interactive Software.




Since its establishment, HELEX has provided and administered exams for more than 45 private and public schools. This includes being part of the Malaysian Baseline Project in 2013 as well as being part of The Dual Language Programme in 2016. In both projects above HELEX represented Cambridge Assessment English under the directive of Ministry of Education. Along this line, HELEX has also supplied Express Publishing materials to more than 100 Private schools and learning institutes in Malaysia and Thailand.


Our fundamental objective is to create awareness of the value of Cambridge English certificates and to encourage students to sit for Cambridge English where the certificates are recognised worldwide as well as giving students and teachers an abundance of opportunities to different arenas in life. Parallel to this, we also conduct free seminars and trainings for lecturers/ teachers who are interested in offering or are preparing their students for Cambridge English so that better results can be achieved due to a more comprehensive understanding towards the exam requirements.

Alternatively, our other significant assignments include the following:

i. Helping those English teachers (private, government, retired or unemployed) who are interested in teaching Cambridge English preparation courses to obtain / gain employment (full/part time) in recognised Cambridge English supplier schools or Authorised Sub Centres.

ii. To verify the differences of different English proficiency examinations / testing systems worldwide by various or similar awarding bodies / body.

iii. To search and nominate or recommend potential Speaking Examiners for the University of Cambridge (who will then be selected / confirmed as Cambridge Speaking Examiners upon approval and after undergoing training).

iv. To organise ELT workshops to introduce the use of interactive software in the classroom to maximise the learning experience. 



Dato Sri Haji Khairil Bin Haji Awang
BSc(ed) UM (Major Biology, Minor Chemistry)
Master of Sc Education (Educational Leadership)


Dr Jeremy Kung Chong Min
Ph.D. (English Education) (NBUC M.sia / ACU U.K.),
LL.B. (Hons.) (Newcastle U.K.), Barrister,
DELTA / CPE (Cambridge U.K.),
Int.Dip. in Arb. (MIArb M.sia)


Publishing & Academic Director
Ms Bernice Khor Hooi Peng
BA (Hons.) (Newcastle U.K.),
TKT, CAE (Cambridge U.K.),
Dip. in ABE (U.K.),
Cert. ESP (Pre-School) (Greenwich U.K.)


Exams & Academic Director
Ms Rinz Lim Hsiao Phing
B.Ed (Hons.) (EL) (Unirazak M.sia),
TKT, CAE (Cambridge U.K.),
Dip. in Mass Comm (H.C.C M.sia),
Cert. ESP (Pre-School) (Greenwich U.K.)


Centre Exams Manager (Thailand)
Ms Jean P. Kitrungroj
B.Sc. (BioMed) (Queensland Aus),
Cert. TESOL (Trinity London U.K.),
TKT (Cambridge U.K.), ECPE (CaMLA),
Cert. ESP (Pre-School) (Greenwich U.K.)


Centre Exams Manager (Malaysia)
Ms Fattin Abd Azis
Dip. in Programming (M.sia),
TKT, CAE (Cambridge U.K.),
Cert. ESP (Pre-School) (Greenwich U.K.)